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The Offside Trust

The Offside Trust is the organisation led by ex-footballer Steve Walters and former professional golfer Chris Unsworth, whose stories of child sexual abuse have inspired hundreds of people to speak out for the first time.

We are set up as a 'restricted fund' under the auspices of Prism the Gift Fund (UK charity number 1099682).

Who We Are

A Message from Steve and Chris

We are established as the independent body to work alongside clubs, organisations and other charitable bodies to further enhance safeguarding at all levels of sport.

We're in the process of rolling out our strategy on how the Offside Trust will combat child abuse in sport and support the healing journey of survivors. We are talking to survivors, support services, governing bodies, clubs and other stakeholders around the country. We are building partnerships, and learning how we can make the greatest difference where it is needed most.

Very soon, we intend to publish a concrete list of ways that you as individuals, organisations and companies can help the Offside Trust achieve our combined goals.

If you are a victim or survivor of abuse:

We will SUPPORT you.

We will BELIEVE you.

We will LISTEN to you.

You will be taken seriously no matter how recent or historic the abuse occurred.

We are YOUR voice - We are the PUBLIC’S voice

Thank you again for your overwhelming support!

Steve, Chris and the Offside Trust team.

Who We Are

About Us

The people leading the Offside Trust and our goals.

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Helpful Links

Details from sports bodies on safeguarding children.

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Speaking Up

Current professionals, sports legends and celebrities.

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How to contact us in total confidence.

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